Lifestyle Diseases Treatment

Lifestyle Diseases Treatment in Ayurveda

The World is moving at a fast pace leaving little time for humans to concern about their own health.

Over the years lifestyles changed dramatically.

Most of the jobs became sedentary in nature.

Heavy mechanisation and the rise of Information technology helped to reduce physical work, but the impact on health was never before severe.

This type of sedentary lifestyle coupled with drastically changed food habits led to the emergence of the class of diseases called ‘Lifestyle diseases’ globally.

All these diseases are commonly associated with some risk factors, although preventable now became the most

common household names due to the uncontrolled occurrence like an invasive species of plant in an area.

The world is now grappling with various types of lifestyle diseases ranging from Hypertension to Cancers.

Multiple treatment systems are offering various types of treatment options to lifestyle diseases.

Among these Ayurveda stands tall because Ayurveda in its base is founded upon the principles of prevention and cure.

It provides elaborate descriptions on how to have balanced and proper Ahara (diet) and Vihara (lifestyle) to prevent the occurrence of diseases and to stay Swastha (healthy with mind and body).

Major Lifestyle Diseases

  • Hypertension
  • Overweight
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Mental stress
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Psoriasis,
  • Immunity deficiency disorders etc
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